Mayhaps you meant regardless? Irregardless isn’t a word, as fun as it is to say.
It rolls off the tongue so nicely, but it’s also not a word. Supposedly is, though!
Are you flustered or are you frustrated? You definitely aren’t flustrated because that’s not a real thing.
…So that means you do care a little bit? Perhaps you mean you couldn’t care less?
This is a back-formation from conversation. It’s sort of a thing, but mostly it just leads to arguments. Why argue when you can converse peacefully?
Intents. And. Purposes.
Please enunciate when you make up words. Or even annunciate. Certainly don’t announciate.
There’s no X in espresso, son.
Nauseous means to cause nausea. If you’re sick, you’re nauseated.
It’s a proven fact that everyone has an aunt who says this on a daily basis. The correct phrase is simply vice versa.
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Here are today's jokes from this podcast. Feel free…
Listen to the podcast lesson and read the joke text below: Tip of the Day…
Listen to the podcast lesson and read the joke text below: Joke 1: An…
Listen and read the text along with the podcast Joke1: Darth Vader and Luke…
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