Joke 1: "I invited a friend home for supper." The Husband Said. "What? Are you crazy? The house is a mess, I didn't go shopping, all the dishes are dirty, and I don't feel like cooking a fancy meal!" The wife said. "I know all that." … [Read more...]
Learn English Funcast #137 – A guest for dinner, three men on an island, and mountain lions
Learn English Funcast Episode 136 – A man stung by a bee, the hardest mint in town, and words of wisdom.
Joke 1: A man comes running to the doctor shouting and screaming in pain, "Please doctor, you've got to help me. I've been stung by a bee." Doctor: "Don't worry, I'll put some cream on it." Man: "You will never find that bee. It must be miles … [Read more...]
Top 10 Shows on Netflix to Learn English
One of the best ways to learn the English language is by watching TV shows. Today we live in an era where we can have access to TV shows almost instantly on a wide variety of devices such as televisions, tablets, computers, mobile phones, and so on. … [Read more...]
American Accents Across the Globe
If you’re learning English, chances are you’re studying one of two popular dialects: Received Pronunciation (RP) of England, or Standard American English of the United States. However, there’s a lot more to English than its British and American … [Read more...]
English Video Lesson: Kill Them With Kindness
In today's English Video lesson we talk about Killing someone with kindness. Now don't be shocked! I am not talking about actually killing someone. I am talking about killing someone with kindness which has a whole different meaning. People think … [Read more...]
Learn English Funcast Episode 135 – Old men streaking, and a the case of the lipstick marks
In Today's episode we learn what happens when old men are bored and decide to streak. We also learn how to get girls to stop leaving lipstick marks on washroom mirrors. Jokes: Joke1: Two old men were sitting on a park bench outside the local … [Read more...]
Episode 134 – To bungee or budgie jump, and how spelling can ruin your life
Today we discuss the difference between bungie and budgie jumping. We also talk about how important spelling is. One letter off can really ruin your life. Jokes: Joke1: In the supermarket was a man pushing a cart which contained a screaming, … [Read more...]
Episode 133 – Names for cruise control, and a faulty mechanic
In today's episode we discuss different names we can call cruise control and a story about a funny mechanic. Jokes: Joke 1: Shortly after I had my car repaired the mechanic who fixed it asked me to bring it back. I watched as he opened the hood … [Read more...]
Learn English Slang: The meaning of free pour
A long time ago before I became an English teacher I decided to become a bartender. I studied how to make drink and how to serve them. My plan was to bar tend in China while teaching English. Unfortunately that never happened when I … [Read more...]
Top 12 Fun and Useful American Slang Words from Coast to Coast
You’ve learned your English vocabulary, brushed up on your grammar, and practiced your American accent. But if you want to really sound like an American, you’ve got to learn the most popular slang that Americans constantly use in their day-to-day … [Read more...]
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